
Weekly Exercises

The course is complemented by exercises. Please consult the semester schedule for dates, unless otherwise notified through Moodle announcements. The contents of the exercise session will include some or all of the following elements:

  • Additional Complementary Topics

  • Hands-on Problem Solving

  • Numerical Implementation and Tools

  • Homework Assignment

Homework Assignments

In addition to the exercises, the course is supplemented with homework assignments. These contain pen-and-paper as well as programming tasks and will be published through this webpage.

Completion of the homework assignments is not mandatory, but may grant you bonus points for the final exam, depending on different factors, e.g., your level of completion. Not all tasks will be graded for bonus points.

Details regarding the grading scheme as well as bonus point policy for the homework assignments will be discussed during the first lecture.


Each (graded) homework assignment has a deadline. Submissions after the deadline are not accepted. The submissions cannot be changed after the deadline is expired.

Student Groups

You are allowed to work in groups, but everyone must submit their solutions indepentently.